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Job opportunities at Sant'Anna School: 10 new research grants thanks to regional funding for higher education projects related to green topics. The guidelines and deadlines for submitting applications

Publication date: 09.01.2024
Green deal
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New job opportunities at the Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna in Pisa thanks to funding from the Region of Tuscany for higher education projects related to green issues. 10 new two-year research grants have been published as part of research projects managed by the School. The positions are financed by the European Social Fund+ 2021-2027 (ESF+) and are part of Giovanisì, the Tuscany Region's project for the autonomy of young people. The aim is to promote experience paths that ensure the professional growth of assignees in strategic sectors such as the ecological transition. Young university graduates (specialised degree or old system degree) under 36 can apply for research grants.

The characteristics of the 10 open positions

The 10 research grants promoted by the Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna are part of nine research projects with an interest in green issues. Below are the details of the open positions, and the timeframe for submitting an application: